


Through the looking-glass, they saw darkness.
All they saw was black, thick and opaque.
Her eyes were a different story.
What she saw was the beauty that is dark.
What she saw was her imagination running wild.
What she saw were the possibilities. Bright and new.
And, all she felt was a comfort that was bone deep.
She felt the ring of familiarity.
She knew the darkness.
It embraced her from the inside out.
It was a part of her.
It was her.



16 things to do this summer break.

imageOh yes,we do.*smirks* So,listen to us.*winks*Oh yes,we do.*smirks* So,listen to us.*winks*Oh yes,we do.*smirks* So,listen to us.*winks*Oh yes,we do.*smirks* So,listen to us.*winks*
Oh yes,we do.*smirks* So,listen to us.*winks*

Last year I came up with 11 ways to utilise your summer break after scrounging the Internet for several days. This year,no scrounging was needed. I had so much stuff in my head that I wanted to do during these almost 2 months that I could write and write about it. Here are the 16 things that I want to do this summer. This might help(not) you come up with ways to spend the summer break or we could just find some common things we want to do. So,here.

#1-Learn to play an instrument or brush up your existing instrument-playing skills.
I really want to learn to play a guitar. And I used to know how to play a synthesiser. Then studies happened and I lost touch. I dunno anymore but I plan on remedying that. Now. Like, summer break now. You get on with the instrument of your choice, too, yeah?

#2-Food and art.
How can food not figure in my summer plans. I love food. And I plan on loving food that I cook(in place of just gagging or dry heaving when it comes to my culinary skills). So,yeah. Cooking and eating it is. Go join some classes or just experiment.:D

#3-Get creative with wall art.
I love wall art. I made a wall collage for my upper sitting last year and whoever comes to my place loves it. I plan on indulging in elaborate Wall art projects this summer, too. I plan on making beautiful 3-D snowflakes to hang from the gray wall in my room. Yeah,snowflakes and summer? But who cares. I know it will look good and that’s it. Also, a paper curtain for one of the arches is in order. And those elaborate frames. And so many more. So,I am shutting up now. It’s better that I show you when I am done with them. You go get your creative side out from the closet and get started. Let me know of any unique wall art ideas,too.

#4-Learn a new language.
I learnt Spanish. I didn’t practice. I am starting to forget. Yess. You forget if you don’t keep in touch with a new language for 2 months. So, learn a new language and practice, practice, practice. Use duolingo. It’s awesome. Trust me on that. Vale?:P

#5-Read,dance,sing…whatever catches your fancy.
Do stuff you love doing but the semester didn’t allow you to. Get through those TBR lists or dance or sing or do some aerobics…anything you want. Just do.

#6-Write, write, write.
Ofcourse. This last semester got in way of my writing regularly and then the exams happened. I used to write regularly. But I was MIA so much these last 4-5 months. So,I am remedying that. I am gonna make up for my missed writing during this summer. You should, too. It’s a great outlet and it’s just your own. Don’t publish it anywhere if you don’t wanna. Just write for yourself.

I have no skills when it comes to pictures(clicking or getting clicked, whatsoever:/), but I plan on developing some. I dunno what I will do,but Internet will throw up some ways I am sure.

#8-Meet up with old friends from your hometown.
My friends started planning the moment my exams got over(mine ended last). And seeing as my birthday is in 3 days,they have been making plans for my birthday treat all by themselves. Let’s see how well those numerous plans fare out.*smirks*

#9-And spend time with your cousins.
Yess. Do that. Get them to come to your place or go visit them. Just see them. I know I wanna without any exam or test deadlines handing over our heads. Once they are free from their entrances,we are having a blast.

Go volunteer with some NGO. I don’t plan to devote the whole summer this year like last year to volunteer work, but I plan to do some bit of volunteering. How or where I dunno. But let’s see.

Talk to your Maa-papa. Talk to your siblings. Talk to people you are close to. Talk to people you aren’t. Be in touch. Socialise. Just talk. I do that a lot. So,no biggie.:P

#12-Try to read up a bit about the semester to come or go through those topics from the previous ones that might help during the next.
I am not a fan of this but it is needed. I plan on atleast getting a look at the syllabus so I am not caught unawares this semester. It sucks,I am telling you.*makes a face*

Definitely sleep. You will crave it once the next semester/school year starts. So catch those zzzs now.

#14-Help around the house a bit.
Helping your mother out a bit can be so satisfying. Not that my mother allows me to help out, seeing as I create more of a mess than I do help. But anyway, try.:P

#15-Take time with your body.
Oh god. Yes. The dark circles, eyebags and hair loss these exams left me with? Gotta do something. Sleep will help, for one. And internet will help,I am sure. Exercise too if you think you gotta lose some kilos. Now is the time.

#16-Relax. Just chill. Take your time.
Catch up on all those movies and TV shows you have been missing out on,explore new artists and genres, binge watch YouTube videos…do what makes you happy. Lying down with my laptop and phone sure does make me happy.:P

So, what do you plan on doing this summer break? 😀


Just in case you were curious about last year’s post:
11 ways to “utilise” the summer break.