
She is not my friend.

A friend,you say?
A friend,you say?

So…last night,some relevations took place which completely blew my mind.Aaaand,not in a good way.Some secrets were revealed,trust broken,and yeah,loads of justified (I guess) anger boiled over to the surface like hot lava trying to find some cracks to get out.More or less.Secrets which were kept locked up in an old trunk, in her mind,for more than two months, until now.Yes,she revealed the secrets.Finally.

You know,sometimes people you trust the most,hurt you in the worst way imaginable.You trust them with all your dirty little secrets,and they spill them over a coke…or a coffee…or whatever.Well that’s so not the case with me!Not actually.You see,I didn’t actually trust her.Not because I am judgemental or anything.But because she actually had given me reasons not to!And I never told her any of my “dirty little secrets“.Because I don’t actually have any(not many,I promise!).

We weren’t friends,no.Our first impressions weren’t very good,you see.We were just civil.We talked just for the sake of it.Oh yes,we do have topics to talk about.loads actually.We have similar taste in music,we read similar books and yeah, sometimes we pretend to talk about deeper stuff when we are actually talking nonsense.And yes,’we understand each other so well ‘.Her words, not mine.’I am a Messed up version of you’,she says.No,she is so not.No,she is not my friend.

She is multi-faced.Yes.I have seen quite a few of those in the six or so months that we have lived together.She tries to hide it, but sometimes I see too much.Her mask is not as opaque as she seems to believe.No,it’s translucent actually.Not transparent, but yes,translucent.

I tolerated her before.I hate her now.Hate,with a capital H.Yes,I do hate her.We aren’t hateful to each other,but I know what goes under that sugercoated, sweet talking exterior.I have seen that hateful side one too many times.Not directed at me,ofcourse.Never me.But I am the most hated person on her list, probably.No,we are not FRIENDS.

She is a conceited, hateful person.This is not me talking.It’s her actions talking.I don’t actually know if her actions can be justified… Or if someone else could be blamed.Conceit doesn’t bode well with me.The end.No matter the person,no way.And even if I didn’t hate her,she could never be my friend.Ever.



Soulmates do exist!


This is one fabulous book.And that’s saying something since I am so not into love and romance.I am more of a thriller/mystery/suspense sort of a girl.But I stumbled across this book by accident.It blew my mind.I generally get attached to the characters of the books I love. I was cynical at first, when I started reading it.But it turned out to be a fantastic read which has me blubbering like an idiot as I reached the end.Even today, after so many months since I read this book for the first time and reading it numerous times since then,my eyes still well up. A tragic but beautiful story.

I heart Poppy and Noah. ♥




So I recently visited my old place.Actually, I moved out of that place around six years ago.But my family decided against selling it and finally decided on renting.So the old tenant moved out recently,and my parents thought that it would be best to repaint before renting again.So trash was thrown out, painters were brought in, and painting started.

When I visited on the weekend,my father picked me up at the station and told me that the paint was almost complete. Since it’s on the way to my new place,we decided to stop and take a look.I haven’t been inside that house in the last six years.Not even once.But the moment I stepped through the front doors,memories flooded back so fast,it felt like I was watching a movie in fast-forward. The lobby where my brother and I, would lie down on the cool floor during the sweltering summer;the room I was always afraid to enter because there was a supposed lizard there(Yes,I am afraid of lizards.Big deal.);the huge bay window at the stair landing,where we used to sit for hours at a stretch;and yes,the terrace with the separate benches with our names on them.It all rushed back onto my mind’s screen and I stood staring at it all.

It was beautiful now.That unique smell of paint was wafting into my nostrils and the sight of that counter where my trophies were once displayed brought that sense of comfort, which only a place where you had lived long enough, could bring.Ten years is a long time.Yes,I lived there for ten long years.

My father started checking the technical stuff and I decided to go upstairs to take a look at the terrace.Not much had remained same.Large number of potted plants that used to be assembled near the balcony were missing,and there was no trace of the high landings where my brother and I sat and talked.It was surrounded by high rise buildings all around.But at the same time,there were still so many similarities. The benches still stood with our names carved into them,my brother’s name which I had carved into the back wall once,and yes,our basketball net still hung from the wall,albeit destroyed for further use.But still it was there.It not all, quite a few memoirs could be found all around.It was a wonderful feeling,recalling it all.And it tore me up just a little. :’)

Papa came upstairs to get me.It was time to go home.I nodded and turned back around to take a quick last look.A lone tear rolled down my cheek and I let it.Afterall,this place had once been the only home I had ever known.It still had that homely feeling,even if it had no furniture and nothing I could call mine.No, let me correct myself.It did have something which was mine.Even with the bare walls and curtainless rods,it still held tons of memories.And that’s what matters,isn’t it?The memories.

My father locked the front door. We started walking. We had to go home.It was getting late.I stopped and turned around.This place would always be home,no matter what.A smile spread across my lips.We started walking.



Luncheons and celebrities!

Apologies for the dry spell.But, you know,I have been quite busy.I’m serious people.No kidding.*snorts* So yeah,as I was saying,I have been quite busy.The reason being,I had a get together at my place.Well, not my place exactly,but my mumma’s bestie’s place.But you know how it is;her place, my place.Same thing(almost). *winks* So I spent the first few days trying to help organise everything for the luncheon (Har har,I did try),and then the day before, attending it.It was actually awesome,what with meeting people I haven’t seen in about only a century.Yes,it was awesome. Aaaand what do I find when I reach college today?Mob of people (girls, to be specific), ready to kill each other for…yeah,here it comes…a glimpse, mind it,a glimpse of a very famous celebrity who had come to my college.Yes.I went there with the intention of attending classes and I find a horde of girls trying to climb on each others’ back. And after being there for just a couple of minutes,rumors start flying that he is about to come out of the hallway.And guess what?I didn’t even get a glimpse!Not even of a single hair of his.None. My friend and I are left standing there, trying to find a way to get in the auditorium with no way in.We roam the college grounds to find some way…and we find none.Nada. And then after half an hour,we hear that his Audi is parked at so and so gate,and obviously we waited there because he would have to come to his car to go back.I know,I am intelligent. :p Aaaand after that long,long wait I saw him.Not only saw him,but he climbed onto his car and waved,and flew kisses.Yes,he did.Okay,it was me and only a couple hundred girls,but still.And the best part is…there were no classes! So I am not a huge fan of any of the celebrities,but a celebrity is a celebrity.And a day which was supposed to be a very boring one,turned out to be an amazing day!
