
The end.

imageDeath. The end.
Death. The end.

Death is a harsh reality.
Some understand death, embrace it, others fear it.
It’s an inevitable stage in life, no one can escape.
So all we can do is cherish the life we have remaining.
Embrace those surrounding us, our loved ones and try to live without regrets.
Change to become who we want to be when we meet death.
I want to meet death head-on.
I don’t want it to take me in my sleep.
I want to see it coming.
I want to know what is happening.
Death is the end.
I want mine to be a good end.
I want it to be a perfect end.
Without regrets.
Without sadness.
With love.
And, satisfaction.
And, understanding.
But mostly love.


30 thoughts on “The end.

    1. Yeah, well,it’s inevitably, right? So, no point hating it. Hence, love.
      Going at it is too brave a thing for me. I don’t think I can do that. So, I am accepting that it will come, and it will come whenever it feels like it.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, it’s inevitable. Completely agree.

        Most people don’t think it would be a brave thing to do, actually it would come under cowardice, according to a lot many.

        And well when it comes whenever it feels like, how will you be ready for it? It might as well be today or a 100 years from now?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yes, you’re.

        That’s what I am telling that there is no invitation card. But good to know what you would be doing meanwhile, which is more important.


      3. No, not you. Hell no.
        Do you even how to spell s-a-r-c-a-s-m? I don’t think you do. I was talking about the person who was being very subtle about it.


      1. Definitely true. Death is the end. It has a finality to it. Life, on the other hand, is so open to all the possibilities. 🙂
        And when is there not a problem with my WordPress? I am used to it now.:P

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Since now that you are graduate it will be hectic… It gets boring to write too…. Miss violet style writing here on WordPress… And BTW best luck for whatever you do now…. I guess PG.. 😅

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I am still not done with my finals. I have an exam tomorrow.*hides her face*
        But, I see what you mean. And I am not bored. I still can’t seem to write as easily as I used to. It doesn’t come as naturally anymore.
        And, thank you so much. Same to you.:)
        It will be coaching and stuff for now.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Yes that’s what I meant. Losing that spontaneity. It comes and goes. And life after graduation is all worrying about career. College was good all of learning and enjoying.
        Best luck for exam too 😁


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