Philosophical Me!

Talk that talk?No, thanks.

Small talk?No shiiit.

I hate small talk.
I wanna talk about important stuff. Shit which just might actually matter. I wanna talk about death. And life. I wanna talk about aliens and magic and vampires. And are werewolves real?I wanna talk about neutrons and protons and atoms and molecules. I wanna discuss the meaning of life and my role in this universe. I wanna talk about the faraway galaxies and the billions of stars. I wanna know what’s your poison,what music makes you wanna stand up and dance. And which songs make you wanna curl into a fatal ball and protect yourself from it all. I wanna talk about memories. I wanna know about the lies you have woven so effortlessly and your thoughts which come unbidden. Your flaws, your ticks, your happiness triggers, your favorite scents, food you love, genres you dig…I wanna know it all. I wanna know all about your childhood,you fear, insecurities. I wanna know what keeps you up at night and what you dream about when you sleep till afternoon. I wanna talk intellect. I wanna talk about something other than love and relationships. I wanna talk about something other than your latest freaking crush.
I like people who are intriguing. I like people with depth. I like people who are real. I like people who express their emotions, however twisted. I like people who talk emotions. I like people who know how to go beyond some fickle shit they had based their lives on before it all burned down around them.
I don’t wanna know what’s up. I don’t wanna pretend like I care when I don’t. I just…don’t wanna.


123 thoughts on “Talk that talk?No, thanks.

      1. Hmmm their influence is so obvious to be seen 😁 Btw sheepish smile m I supposed to imagine a smiling sheep lol that looks kinda hilarious u know 😂😂


      2. Hey,that wasn’t funny.*indignant huff*

        *in a seriously-intent-on-explaining voice*Sheepish smile is the smile a person gets on his/her face when they are kinda amused and kinda embarrassed.Something like this👉😸

        *Nods with raised eyebrows*You get it now?


      3. Well someone must have seen a sheep smiling when coining the term I got that image u see

        This is what the dictionary says about being sheepish :
        1. abashed or embarrassed, esp through looking foolish or being in the wrong
        2. resembling a sheep in timidity or lack of initiative
        ˈsheepishly adv ˈsheepishness n

        The connection is kinda silly though but still
        Sheepish smile 😇😈

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Ooooo someone checked the dictionary thoroughly, I see.:P
        Well,that’s what I said,did I not?Embarrassed as well as kinda amused?Atleast that’s my take at “Sheepish smile”.:P
        So,stop imagining the sheep.*playfully reprimanding tone*


      5. Lol ur sheepish smile seems more like how a teenage girl giggles or fool around more than what the dictionary says :p and abt imagining the sheep lol can’t help it dear so sorry 😂😂

        Liked by 1 person

      6. Hush hush I don’t giggle.Ever!
        *grumbles under her breath*Do I?
        Noooo.And for your kind information, I am still kinda a teenager. So,even if it is,what’s the harm huh?:P
        The way I presume some shit to be is total boinker behavior. So,different from dictionary, it is.*haughty smile*
        And the sheep needs to go away.Like right now.*glares lazer beam right at crashingstone owner,whoever that is*

        Liked by 1 person

      7. Hahahahaha sounds cute kinda tantrums but still…your lazer beam hehe awesome wait I’ll try to reflect it back to you
        I’ll try to reduce the sheep occurrence 😁
        Now seems its time for haughty smile can u please elaborate on this expression too 😇


      8. Hahahahahhaha cute?Puh leez!✋
        And don’t you dare!Or it is you who’s gonna burn.I have many other super powers.😎
        And, am I your expression dictionary, or what?*indignant huff*
        Well,doesn’t matter.Haughty smile is the one the bearer gets when he/she is Over-the-top pleased with himself/herself. Or toooo proud or whatever.
        You get it?

        P.S. I am not at all haughty in reality.:P


      9. Lol so u r the desi version of superwoman ha sounds fun 😂 wait I’ll keep a kryptonite gem handy in case u try to harm me ….
        And about ur expression well u can act as a dictionary coz I dont usually use such things na so kinda alien to them ….Btw what were u so super pleased about lol Btw by us PS status u meant referring to hotty ha or just ur haughty lol 😂😂


      10. Yes.Yes,I am.*grins*
        About my boiker take on things,ofcourse.Duh. Unlike most people,I love my weirdness. Like super love it.😎

        And haughty,ofcourse! I said that,didn’t I?😒
        I am not haughty by nature.That’s what I meant.*fumes*


      11. Haha great hey u fuming my my somebody better call the fire brigade 💪 and love being weird and about ur haughty sorry didn’t get ur ref to context there miss not haughty by nature 😁 or should I say weird by nature both ways things remain the same (pretty much I suppose) 😈


      12. Hahahahaha No need.I will just douse the flames of my anger in ice water.:|
        And I am glad you finally get it.:P hahahha
        Both would suffice. *winks*
        I don’t mind, either.But weird by nature sounds better.:P


  1. Small talk is easy. Reason? People get to hind behind the walls they have built for themselves, to protect themselves from their own vulnerabilities. To put up a mask of being normal and fit in. Because not many can understand the dreams, emotions and deepest desires of others without judging!:)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That’s what needs to change, don’t you think?
      The hiding?The pretending?The need to protect? :/
      And ofcourse.The judgements?
      That shit has killed so many dreams.*sighs*
      That’s why this pretense of talking while talking about nothing significant infuriates me,I think.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I guess it does need to change, but it’s not that easy. Silently, quietly all of us have at some point judged people without knowing their story. It’s defense mechanism, to protect yourself. We are built that way.. some feel the need to hide more than others

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Umm,wow.That’s really deep.See,that’s the shit I was talking about.People should discuss why or why can’t they be who they really are.If they have something to hide,why the hell is that?
        Instead of sitting and fooling around about the latest pair of shoes they are digging,or whatever.


  2. Omg yes. I’m so over every conversation revolving around Chinese whispers gossip that’s both intrusive and annoying – I’ve actually developed an unconscious shudder as soon as anyone mentions ‘Kardashian’.
    It would just be nice to have a meaningful intellectually stimulating conversation!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know,right?!
      This shit is too much.People need to learn to talk about sensible meaningful stuff once in a while,don’t you think? :/
      This talking about nothing but nonsense is getting on my nerves.-.-

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Reblogged this on forllorn and commented:
    This really hit close to me as it’s something I think about almost daily, especially recently since my contact with the general public has been so limited. It would be nice to find even just one person to connect with on an emotional and intellectual basis.


  4. But you don’t wanna have a small talk and I assume you don’t wanna talk in comment. So how will you really let your heart out to me?


    1. To be honest, the comment section doesn’t sound so bad to me.My identity is not really known on WP,you know.:P
      And if the situation becomes all that awkward we can think about switching mediums.
      And I won’t be the only one letting my heart out.Have no doubt.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah! It feels great to let everything out of you to someone you have never met and seek sympathy than with someone you have known all along. I’m 101% sure you will be thrilled with my story.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. That it does,sure.But that’s what needs to change.People need to be comfortable around those who they know personally. That’s the reason I think many people turn to blogging.I have come across loads of bloggers who cannot share stuff with people they see everyday.That’s why they started blogging.Yeah,that’s an entirely different thing that they started loving writing over their numerous posts and don’t wanna quit now.But their initial motive was the hidden sanctuary blogging offered.

        And getting to know someone is always fun,dude.*winks*
        Be ready to spill all your long hidden secrets. Lol

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Real conversation are really a thing of past these days…very correctly observed! I sometimes wonder if I can make new connections because to get to know someone in depth needs a two way communication and is especially rare these days were I feel people have become Internet aliens.


    1. That’s definitely true,yes.People don’t wanna talk about anything meaningful anymore. They fill the awkward silences with crap load of nonsense. And they jump from one meaningless “topic” to another.They don’t wanna talk about themselves. Or that’s all they wanna talk about,if you look at it that way.The new pair of shoes they are digging at the moment,the new spa treatment they tried, their latest crush and blah blah blah.
      They need to stop.Like real fast.It’s doing no one any good.:/


  6. Reblogged this on The Growing Bubble I Live In and commented:
    Speaks my mind.
    That’s why I don’t like superficial socializing. I find it very hard to make friends. I don’t really enjoy those nonsense jokes and laughs with newly met ones, but in reality people get close this way.

    I want people who I can really speak to. To talk about dreams, to talk about emotions, to talk about life.
    e.g. YLS love 🙂

    Yet it’s an era of 認真你就輸了

    Hence sadly I don’t particularly fit in

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Well, you are quite an intellectual, aren’t you ?
    And your amazing evolving writing with such a personal tone, interesting as it gets every time. Occupies the reader till the end to see what new have you got to tell.

    You pretty much summed up a lot things that one could ever talk about. I have been lucky to have had such detailed conversations with few, but I am not sure if they enjoyed it to the extent I do.

    It used to be analogy ‘animals, cosmic, chemistry and hell lot of what nots’. Kind of stories I used to tell.

    Now a days, it is more of neuroscience all the way. I cannot stop imagining this background music that gets me on high, when I try to visualize the internal games the brain plays 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am?*wide eyes*
      I am not so sure about that,to be honest.

      Thank you so much for the sweet words.:D

      Wow lucky you, indeed.Not many people find someone willing to talk stuff which could be meaningful for once in a while.Well,not face to face,atleast.Yes,I have come across people here on WP who actually do talk sense sometimes.
      In real life,all people wanna talk about is meaningless shit: Hair,face,shoes,handbags,accessories, dresses, nails,boys, and girls,crushes,relationships,”love”. And what not.-.-
      Well,enough of my rambling. I am doing that a lot,nowadays. Get carried away while ranting.:P

      Liked by 1 person

  8. ” I like people with depth. I like people who are real. I like people who express their emotions, however twisted. I like people who talk emotions”. These words are not ordinary violet, I tell you. 🙂
    And your commenting skills.. O M G… How can one be that amazing??? *raised eyebrows* 😛

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh please!I am hardly a pro.I post nonsense stuff most of the time which doesn’t even make sense to me.And I start ranting in the comment section itself:mine or someone else’s.And don’t even start with the post ideas!*sighs*


      2. Ofcourse you don’t.No one does, I suppose.:/
        But I very vividly remember using my tees to block the terrace drain and then splashing in the makeshift pool with my brother till mumma came upstairs.It was terrifying after that.*shudders*
        Ah, the memories!*grins*

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Same pinch…
        Thanks for reminding me the seasonal swimming pool bath on terrace 😉
        I remember doing this artificial pool thing with my cousins…a group of 8 evils together 😈
        And my parents…lol.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Yes!Those were awesome times,weren’t they?:D
        I am gonna do a post about the rains and memories now. Numerous ones are assaulting me one after the other. I cannot stop. I need to write.
        That might sound weird,but that’s just how it is for me . 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow that’s good to hear.I would love to read that.Do let me know whenever you post,will you? 😀
      And that’s one of the awesome things about WP.You find people with similar thought processes. *grins*
      HI-5 ✋ 😀

      Liked by 1 person

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