
Life of HER.

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Source: Facebook

Braiding the memories of her life past in her hair she started walking on the path she saw in her dreams. It was happy memories for when she wanted to feel the love coursing through her bones. And, it was the sad memories for when she just needed to feel.
She filled her water bottle with water laced with the salt in her tears. It was from happy tears for when she needed to reminisce and laugh. And, it was tears she had shed when her heart broke for when she just needed to remember that she didn’t need nobody to hold her up. She was a strong girl. She was the strongest on her own.
She stopped and turned back to the light breeze that had followed her from the place she called her past. It whistled merrily with smell of her soul and the voice of the smiles in the days past. And, it whispered of the whimpered begging she did when she thought she needed them to live and the waterfalls of emotions she had let go of in the sea already burgeoning with the feelings of others. She smiled and urged the breeze to return to where it had come from. She thanked it for the presents that it had brought. She would need the tinkling of the whispers for when she needed to remember she was a wild one who had been restrained for far too long. Never again.
Looking ahead at the bends in the road fashioned with the essence of her soul, she exhaled. She let go of all the ties she had thought she needed to survive but actually didn’t. And, she let go of all the digressions and hurt she had carried in spaces between her bones and blood. They were weighing her down. She didn’t need them anymore.
She looked up at the sky sparkling with pieces of her life she wanted to hold on to but didn’t need to hold on to. They would travel with her till she decided that she was enough on her own. They would sparkle, arranged in constellations of memories past. And, when she was ready to move ahead without them, they would fall like beautiful stars, turning into stardust, a shower of happiness and tears –everything that made her her.

P.S. Another one, I guess. Sigh


19 thoughts on “Life of HER.

  1. Oh Violet I had missed your writing! You write so effortlessly and you’re so efficient at capturing your reader’s attention. 🙂
    I hope you’re in pink of health. A big hi to you!! 😍😍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank youuuu so much, Shambhavi.💚
      I am so sorry for such a late reply. I haven’t checked in in a long, long time.*hides face*
      Thank you for your sweet words.🌟
      I hope you are wonderful and happy.🌸


      1. No problem dear. Sorry for the late reply from me as well. After a long gap of 4 months, I’m finally back at WordPress.
        How’re you?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hahahah we are playing hide and seek or what?
        But, anyway, I am great. Wonderful actually. Just having a gala time.
        So are you, I hope?
        Annnnd, a very Happy New Year’s to youuuu.🎈


      3. I swear ah. It does look like that, you’re right.
        Happy to hear from you as always. It has been quite sometime but talking to always feels just awesome.


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